The Lab By SixthDivision 

GET FULL ACCESS TO OUR ONE-OF-A KIND GROUP PROGRAM For Entrepreneurs Ready to grow and scale their business

This Program Is For Those Entrepreneurs Who Use Marketing Automation Tools And Want To Get More Clients, Make 'em Happier, And Make Your Life Easier.

Brad Martineau 
Chief Baller and CEO
Gilbert, Arizona
Dear Entrepreneur,

Because we live to serve 5, 6, and 7 figures small business, we don't want you to miss this incredible buying opportunity so we've decided to give you full access to our group coaching program called The Lab... PLUS over $6,000 in sign up bonuses... for only $97 a month. 

Here's what you're getting:


First, we're going to give you Access to Our 90 Minute Twice A Week Group Coaching Sessions 

(A $12,000 Value!)

We believe that the way we can be the most impactful to your business is by giving you time with our CEO Brad and our Managing Partner Jake

These group coaching sessions that we call "Lab Sessions" are like mini masterminds that you can bring any question you have as it pertains to creating and scaling your Automatic Client Journey. You can also bring any question you have around streamlining, marketing, leading, or scaling your business. 

Look, here's the reality...

Most resources on how to build a Client Journey out there are designed for "small business" meaning businesses doing between $10 Million and $100 Million in revenue...


These "Lab Sessions" are specifically designed for what we call an "Entrepreneur Business" like yourself. An "Entrepreneur Business" is a business who has already proven it has a viable service and is doing 5, 6 or even 7 figures in business. 

Join Today And Start Getting Real Solutions To Build An Automatic Client Journey 


Second, we're going to give you A One-On-One Kick-Off Strategy Coaching Call With One Of Our Client Journey Engineers 

(A $1,000 Value!)

We want you to get as much value as fast as possible so you'll start your journey in The Lab with a Kick-Off Call with one of our Client Journey Engineers.

Our Client Journey Engineers are the ones who work with our clients one-on-one in our Master Builder Program. They are down in the trenches of all types of businesses. They are coaching, prescribing, and implementing Automatic Client Journeys every single day.

On this call the Client Journey Engineer will help you get clear on what you are trying to accomplish, what areas to focus on, and help set up, according to your plan, what items to bring to the "Lab Sessions" so you can get the most out of it.

Don't Miss Out On This Opportunity


Third, we're going to give you access to The Lab Private Community 

(A $1,000 Value!)

The Lab Private Community is a private Facebook group that all members of The Lab and our Master Builder Program can come and get answers at anytime to what they are working on. 

Businesses in this community come from all backgrounds and are in all stages of business.

  • It features CEOs, Business Owners, Sales and Marketing Managers, Technical Implementors
  • It's also full of people from industries like Coaching, Consulting, Real Estate/Mortgage, Web Design, Health/Fitness, Local Service Providers... And Many More 
  • It's full of people dedicated to each other to help scale your business as smoothly as possible
  • ​Plus, All Members of the SixthDivision Team

What this means is this group has one of the most equal ratios of experts to 'normies' of any Entrepreneur Business" community on earth.

Join This Amazing Community Today... 


Fourth, we're going to give you access to our Client Journey Academy 

(A $2,000 Value!)

The Client Journey Academy is designed to help you organize all your thinking around your Client Journey so that you can know what you should be doing and then how to go about implementing it into your Marketing Automation Tool. 

With The Client Journey Academy, you get access to online courses that show you how to plan, design, and implement your Automatic Client Journey™ so you make it happen. Each class comes with an online Q&A option.

Join Today And Unlock Your Access


Fifth, we're going to give you access to The SixthDivision Conversion Checklist Training 

(A $2,000 Value!)

The Conversion Checklist Online Training is the answer to "What should I be doing in my Client Journey to deliver amazing experiences that actually move leads, prospects, and clients smoothly thought to their next desired step?"

Learn what you should be doing to convert Attention into Leads, Leads into Prospects, and Prospects into Raving Happy Clients. 

Don't Delay... Join Today...

The Total Value of this Package is Over $18,000

Look! We don't want to charge people $18,000 for all of this because our goal is to get access to this to as many Entrepreneur Businesses as possible so they can benefit from it.

Normally we charge $497 a month for all the value listed above. But we wanted to run a promotional offer to help as many of you as we can.

So what we decided to do is give everything mentioned above for the insane price of $297 a month. 

This allows us to deliver all this value every week. We give Members of The Lab constant updates and resources as we develop them. 

Frankly, at this price we're barely turning a profit. 

I realize we seem crazy for putting in all this hard work for little to no return to us, but we're passionate about getting this into the hands of as many Entrepreneur Business as possible.


While $297 per month is the promotional price we're going to offer in the future, we've decided to do something even crazier for Small Business and Entrepreneur Businesses

And thats...

Give you ALL of this today for just $97 a month.

You will get complete access to everything mentioned above and lock in your monthly pricing at $97 a month. 

But right now we want to let you join The Lab and you get your hands on everything for just $97 a month!

That's including the Twice-A-Week Lab Session Calls, Kick-Off Call, and Facebook Community...

And Online Academy PLUS the Conversion Checklists!

We're confident you are going to LOVE all of this!

Join The Lab Today


  • Twice a week 90 min live group coaching sessions with Brad (CEO) and Jake (Managing Partner) to review what you’re working on ($12,000 Value)
  • ​A Kick-Off Strategy/Audit Call with a Client Journey Engineer ($1,000 Value)
  • The SixthDivision Client Journey Academy ($2,000 Value)
  • ​The SixthDivision Conversion Checklist Online Training ($2,000 Value)
  • ​Access to the Private Lab Facebook Group  (1,000 Value)
  • Clarity on exactly what you should be doing next (Priceless)
  • Organization so you (or your team) can implement more of your ideas faster and with greater accuracy (Priceless)
  • Visibility so you know what’s working and what’s not so you can make better decisions (Priceless)
  • ​An amazing client journey that makes it easier for you to get more clients and make ’em happier (Priceless)
  • ​​Early access to new and updated content

TOTAL VALUE: $18,000

You Pay: Just $97 A Month

This offer won't last long...


This offer may expire...

We're making all this available to you for just $97/month because we want to get it into as many Entrepreneur Businesses hands as we can. However, the retail price is $297/month and as soon as the deadline passes we won't be offering this for $97/month any longer and the price will increase.

This pricing won't be available for long...


Here’s what a couple of members had to say about how The Lab has impacted them/their business:

Kasey Anton

"I don't worry now
My clients? Thrilled. Every. Single. Time.
My team? Excited. Now I can just focus on growth"

Peter Ruchti

"I come with fuzzy ideas. I leave with clear action steps and a simple tool or template. 
It's like Magic"

Tracy Jepson

"I'm not the roadblock now! Our entire client experience runs on a click of a button & my team handles all of it"

Shawn Van Dyke

"...It identified the gaps and filled them with simple solutions. We DOUBLED our revenue with ZERO new hires."

Christine Rico

"Results? Well, I have a full client roster. And I have clients who read my website and say 'Yup, I want that.' So that's cool. :)"

Barry Alt

"Profit is up 25% over the last year while night and weekend work is down. And, for the first time ever I can predict my income"


  • You have an active business doing six or seven figures in revenue
  • ​You want a more organized sales process that takes less of your time but still closes the right leads
  • You want a dialed in client experience so you can spend less time “cleaning things up”
  • ​You want a better system for building and nurturing your list
  • ​You want an easy way to know what is and isn’t working so you can confidently decide what to do next
  • ​​You want a system to calm the tornado of ideas inside your head
  • ​You want a systematic process to get the right ideas implemented at lightning speed
  • ​You resonate with these words: simple, calm, intentional, organized, systematic, etc.


  • You are comfortable being manipulative or deceptive, or using any sort of shady tactics in your business
  • Your only passion in your business is the money that you take from it
  • You think “client experience” is a buzz word and not a viable business strategy
  • You resonate with words like: busy, fancy, complex, hurry, etc.
  • ​You don't want to scale your business smoothly


3 Month Agreement

Monthly Fee Starting Today. Program becomes month-to-month after the initial 2 month agreement.
Looking for one-on-one strategy and implementation? 


What All Do I Get In The Lab:
1. Access to The Academy by SixthDivision Online Course only as long as you’re consistently paying.
2. Access to The Experience Formulas by SixthDivision only as long as you’re consistently paying.
3. Access to The Lab Membership portal and Facebook Group only as long as you’re consistently paying.  
4. One kick-off Audit/Strategy Call with a SixthDivision Coach.
5. Access to twice a week 90 minute group calls.

What Is The Format Of The Lab:
This is a group program. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. If you need one-on-one attention, a dedicated coach, or implementation, you should sign up for The Master Builder Program.

What Are The Costs/Fees:
There are two types of fees associated with The Lab.
1. $0 upfront fee for The Lab Accelerator (1 time fee) - Normally $1,000 but waived for 3 month agreement
2. $97 monthly subscription fee (ongoing, monthly fee)
By submitting this form you agree to the charge of the $97 and we will waive your Accelerator fee now, and you agree to pay $97 a month for a minimum of 3 months. Your first $97 monthly subscription fee will be charged by submitting this form.

How Long Do I Have Access To The Lab:
You're signing up to work with us for a minimum of 3 months. You cannot cancel during your initial 3 months. If you intend to exit in 3 months, you must provide a 30-day notice prior to the end of your 3 months. Upon completion of the 3-month commitment, you will roll into a month-to-month commitment. Cancellation requires a 30-day notice.

What If I Miss A Call Or It Falls On A Holiday:
All calls are pre-scheduled. There may be times we have to cancel or reschedule, but appropriate accommodations will be made. If you miss a call all calls are recorded and can be viewed as long as you are consistently paying.

What Are My Guarantees:
There are none. With the sole exception that we guarantee we will deliver what is listed in the “What You’ll Get” section, and that you'll be satisfied with the service. Quick note here: If you're ever not satisfied, it's your job to raise it and we'll create an agreement to clean it up. Don't be the person who waits 2 months and then claims to be dissatisfied.

What About Refunds:
We Don’t Do Refunds